Friday, 18 April 2014

BAKAS 2014

Date: 19 April 2014
Time: 7.30am-12.30pm
Venue: Open Hall, Art room, APD room, Music room, Assembly Hall
Attendance: All Participants of BAKAS 2014, Advisers,
     Teachers,School Administrator,and Viewers.

Organised by: Clubs and Association of Co-curriculum Unit
(Kelab dan Persatuan Unit Kokurikulum)
of SMK Puchong Utama 1

Competition of :-Create/design a website
-Create/design a pamphlet/brochure
-Create/design a logo & moto

Competition(Talent) of:-Drawing Poster
-Poetry Contest
-Short Sketch
-Solo Singing


Our School Principal, Tn.Hj Mahamod b Ahmad
  accompanied by PK Koko, Pn.Ismariah bt. Ismail
giving awards to the winner in respective competition field.

2nd Place Choir

 3rd Place Choir
By: The Chinese Club



By: The Chinese Club



Logo and Motto Design

The Honorable Jury Panel

Quiz Competition

Date: 24 January 2014
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: CPCP Garden
Attendance: Club's members and club's advisers

Members got a "special gift" for those who answered the
general question correctly.  :)

Pamphlet Design Competition

Date:16 April 2014
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: Computer Room
Attendance: Club's members and club's advisers
Club's members designing pamphlet according to their creativity and innovative respectively  

Club's adviser- Pn. Siti Faeza teaches the use of Microsoft Publisher for designing pamphlet.
President,Vice-President,and the Committee members conducts and helps the members
in their task(pamphlet) for those who are not clear/understand in the task.

Crossword Puzzle Competition

Date:5 February 2014
Venue: CPCP Garden
Time: 2.30pm
Attendance: All Club Computer's Member And Club's Advisers

Club's Advisor and Club's President brief the whole event
And the prizes are given to the first three winners
Contestants who are fastest and accurate

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Annual General Meeting 2014

Date: 10 January 2014
Venue: School Canteen
Attendance: All Club's Members & Club's Advisers

Club Advisor, Pn. Siti Faeza & Pn. Norma announced the election of new office bearers.
The election was duly carried out and the results are as follows :
President : Hew Shu Yi(5S1)
Vice-President :Nurrazlin (5S3)
Secretary :Joy Yap Jeen Pink(5S1)
Vice-Secretary : Chan Qiao Hui(5S2
Treasurer : Zachary Wee Xin Yun(5S3)
Committee Members :-
Form 5:-Noor Atheera(5S3)
                            -Nicholas Ho Wai Ken (5PA1)
Form 4:-Haziqah
Form 3:-Goh Kai Sheng (3 Hebat)